Auschwitz - Birkenau - A Somber Day

Along with beauty and food the Krakow area is also host to some of the world’s greatest atrocities.
We joined a day trip to visit the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camp sites.  The sites have been maintained at the request of the survivors.  Once seen, one is forever changed by knowing the depths of evil that can be done by humans.

Many of these photos lined the halls reminding us that those that died were individuals.  This was from records before tattoos were used

People were sent to Auschwitz from all over Europe

The Auschwitz camp contains large red brick buildings in a street like setting.  On first view it could be a standard residential area, and at one time had been army barracks.  

However the buildings can be entered and examples of the beds, photos, and personal belongings taken from the prisoners quickly dispels that premise.

Room of Human Prosthetics

Large quantities of personal items were found in various warehouses, one of which was called Canada, though the reasoning for this did not seem clear.  

During the tour you also pass through one of the gas chambers, by this time one is struck dumb.

Empty canisters of Poison

The guides are respectful and highly knowledgeable.  Information is shared via headphones so commentary is done quietly.

Everyone was changed by the experience.

The Birkenau camp is a contrast.  

Looking back to the intake building.  This rail line brought people right inside the camp

Situated very close to the first Auschwitz camp it had been known also as Auschwitz, or Auschwitz II.  This camp was used for both labour and death.  It was mostly dismantled at the end of the war, with the building materials to be used elsewhere.  What remains are the heating ovens and chimneys for the barracks.  

Remains of heating ovens that warmed the barracks

Beds in the barracks used when people were no longer useful for work.  Sent here to await death.

Because most of the buildings are no longer there the site itself seems open and lacks the oppressive presence of the Auschwitz camp.  The vast scale of this camp is the most overwhelming thing.  It seems to go on, beyond sight.

Just fencing and chimneys

There are also the remains of four death chambers and crematoria which have been destroyed but the rubble not removed.

Destroyed Crematoriums.  There were four.

After seeing these locations I cannot understand why and how there could possibly be Holocaust deniers in the world.  The evidence is there.

(writing this even after this length of time still fills my eyes with tears)


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