Solar - Moving the Panels - Part 1

Here at the lake we use solar energy. It was not really an environmental decision, had Ontario Hydro been running a line at the edge of the property we likely would have signed up and gotten our power that way. But, in fact, Ontario Hydro is about 4 km away from us, and the logistics and expense of hooking up to the grid was easily decided against. Panels near the lake So – we have a ground mounted solar array feeding a (very large) battery, which in turn supplies an inverter that powers our home. Currently the panels and their mounting frame are located next to the lake (luckily, we face south). When we originally placed the panels we also considered the option of roof mounting, but ultimately the decision between using some of our land space vs putting huge number of mounting holes in our roof….. we decided on the ground mount option. Most ground mounts include a rack of some sort to hold the panels and a concrete base big enough to avoid the pan...