Epic Cottage Fails
For the most part I like to write about stuff going well. Granted life here has been one long learning curve but no one really likes to own up to all the failures it takes to get the knowledge that we now take for granted. So – I thought it might be fun to write a bit of a summary of Epic Cottage Fails Failure #1 – Gardening for vegetables Our year's harvest (in total) First a confession. I love to garden – but – and it is a big but, I am really, truly, bad at it. I love the feeling of the dirt on my hands, watering, trimming, putting in new plants, moving the older ones that I should never have put there in the first place, but for the most part am more adept at killing the plants slowly than nurturing them to anything beyond a starter. We originally placed our solar panels by the lake as we are on the north end and look to the south over open water. So – there is an unencumbered light path to the panels. The idea was to soft...