Improving the Big Hill

I am guessing that everyone has a “Big Hill” in their lives. That little area or thing that you know could be made better or easier but instead we put our heads down and power through rather than take through the trouble to fix it. Check out how high the markers are ! In our case, on our challenging road, it is the Big Hill. In fact the Big Hill is what makes the road challenging. The Big Hill is big (hence the name) but more importantly it is darned steep. Too steep for the county road people to consider it a proper road. Too steep to do without a bit of a running start. Too steep to get up when icy. Just plain steep. And worse than plain old steep the actual pitch of the road varied. Now, for all the complaining that pretty much everyone does when they travel on this road, it is orders of magnitude better than it was when we built here. Then the road was twisty in addition to steep and variable, and the surface was cru...